Mitigate, Prepare, Respond, and Recover

Emergency Management

Agile Group helps clients prepare for and recover from disasters. Blending exceptional management consulting skills with the industry’s deepest programmatic expertise allows us to produce innovative strategies and results for our clients each step of the way. We have experience in every phase of emergency operation planning at all levels of government, private businesses, and cultural organizations.

We also assist with steering committees, public input, hazard profiles, detailed risk assessments and vulnerability analyses, applicable mitigation strategies, benefit-cost analyses, and support through organizational approval and adoption processes.


Agile Group brings in our team of experienced professionals equipped with Juvare’s WebEOC, an incident management software, to deliver in all four phases — Mitigation, Preparation, Response, and Recovery — of our proven Emergency Management approach, faster and with greater impact.

Qualified Mitigation

Mitigation is focused on taking actions to prevent or reduce the cause, impact, and consequences of disasters. We provide our clients with a superior team capable of developing an approvable hazard mitigation plan and support through organizational approval and adoption processes.


Our experience gives us unique insight into how national disaster events are prepared for, managed, and applied at the community level. Working together with our clients, we foster a collaborative atmosphere among all partners to achieve widespread buy-in and an exceptional final product.


With or without a current emergency response plan, Agile can provide active resource, project, and communications management, supporting the prioritization, logistics, and distribution of resources based on key emergency management criteria; meeting the needs of our clients and communities when they need it most.


The recovery period from a disaster can be prolonged, but manageable with the right team in place. Alongside recovery activities, we help clients become more resilient through efficient and cost-effective mitigation measures that will reduce the potential impact of future disaster events.

A Small Business Administration-certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB), Agile Group is a niche firm supporting government and commercial clients throughout the world to better manage, measure, and communicate their project portfolios.

Agile Group brings over a decade of Federal Government experience in knowledge management, program creation & execution, document management, project management and controls, SharePoint portal and web development, quality control, and training. We deliver these solutions and related services for numerous Federal agencies including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

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